Thursday, December 25, 2008

Happy Holidays!

F15 wishes you all the merriest of Christmases (and the happiest of Hanukkahs).

May you have Christmas with your families and keep F15 in your hearts all year round.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Day 4—The Book of Land O’ Lakes

You may be wondering, “What happened to day 3?! Zomg!”. Well, our third day on the trip wasn’t as “eventful” as some of our other days. At least for me. I will admit that we had a fairly smashing luncheon at Skyline and an impressive performance later that night, by which I mean the performance itself was good. It wouldn’t have hurt to have filled a few more seats in the audience, but I think I speak for all the guys in green when I say Shenandoah rocked. And the 17 people that came to our first show would probably agree…or they would at least attest to the awesomeness of that elevator.

After the show we had a small…party? Was that what it was? “Party”? Yes. At the Mirkopolous household, complimentary with chips, Mystic River, Ping Pong, and a toast of bubbly to commemorate our own Bubbly boy’s Birthday. We popped the cork, grabbed some buffalo wings, and commenced the kick back. Earlier in the night we were joined by some esteemed guests, including two Northwestern gals representing the O-H-I. …O. Whatever, I forgot the zip code, so that’ll have to do. Despite the festivities and inordinate amount of game thrown at them, these ladies decided it was time for bed at…11:45pm? Wow. I thought curfew went out of effect once you got into college. Guess Not. The Birthday Boy proved my point by racking up a fair share of minutes on his wireless plan. If his parents happen to be reading this, we apologize for the lack of intervention. We’re sorry we enabled him. We were weak.

The following day will live in infamy.

We started off at the end: a farewell show at BOOYAH’s high school. Needless to say, they were a helluvan audience (for grammatical correctness. Not to be confused with “hella van”. We would not debase this blog with such an imbecilic vernacular). We did our set, BOOYAH rocked it like it was 1942, and the girls in the audience were already lining up for tickets to BOOYAH’s gun show, rumored to occur sometime this summer. Ladies, please remember to check all firearms and articles of clothing at the front desk.

After a great closing performance, we said our adieus to the Ohio boys who would not be returning with us to Evanston and hopped into the cars. Next stop, home.

…Well, maybe for the other two cars.

Traffic along the I-65 was, for lack of a better word, crawling slower than all holy hell. After a good hour or two of driving, the entire caravan chose to make a pit stop. The Subaru, containing Captain Bubbles, First Mate Land O’ Lakes and Boatswain of the Poop Deck Gameboy (after Scallywag Tag, pirate titles were inevitable), chose to indulge in such sorely missed McDonalds in part due to a the lack of said venue in Evanston and in honor of Snow Cream, who was unable to join us on this voyage…trip. Sorry. Once you get into character, it’s hard to break it, regardless of the circumstances. Right Bubbles? How’d that English accent work out for you?

I digress.

Before entering this elegant eating facility, a blinding heavenly light had entered Bubbles’ right ear as he was driving and given him an epiphany.

The Lion’s Den.

Now, you may wonder what possible use we could have for a pit of lions on our way home. Well, the Lion’s Den isn’t really what you think it is. It’s a very respectable establishment that only serves to aid the tired, yet restless, truckers that make this painful trek every day down this unimaginable stretch of highway. It is a veritable inn for these Mariners of the Roadways to stop and set a spell while enjoying the unique additions adorning the walls. Or as Bubbles put it:

“It’s a sketchy sex shop for truckers.”

Well, no points for poetics, but an A+ for conciseness. Regardless, this was our next destination. A car full of talented, handsome, virile men. What could be more perfect?

After a meal fit for three kings, we continued our slothful journey down the highway. Despite the horrific traffic and awful weather, the members of the H.M.S. Freshman15 kept their wits about them, enjoying the tunage of Marc Broussard and MIKA. However, after 4 or 5 hours, complimented by an unpleasant call from the Magic Tour Bus headed by Smokee informing us that they were 50 (count it. FIFTY) miles ahead of us, our patience began to wear. We needed to get to the Lion’s Den. It was not a question of how, but when. Bubbles’ GPS system had set the via point along the way, and it designated the Lion’s Den as being 38 miles ahead of us. Great. It’s about 8pm now. How about we stop off for some food. What’s that Gameboy? You’ve never had White Castle?? Well sweet sassy molassy! That sounds downright fantastic. White Castle and the Lion’s Den. The perfect end to a perfect trip. What’s that. GPS system? You say there’s a White Castle fast food restaurant along the way to the Lion’s Den? Fate must be smiling on us.

So we pull off the road and into what appears to be the sketchy part of Indiana. I can’t say that with full assuredness as it was covered in snow, but when you know, you know. Anyways, Bubbles’ GPS tells us we’re about 4 miles away from the White Castle. Well, that’s a fair ways away with unplowed streets in a residential neighborhood, but why not? We’ve already been traveling for 8 hours. White Castle will hit the spot. Look! We’re already at the destination point! White Castle should be right…over……

Thus begins my deep-seated hatred for Bubbles’ GPS navigational system.

Out yonder from our car sits a building resembling a large cement block. It doesn’t look anything like a restaurant, but we’ve traveled this far, I say we check it out. Gameboy tries a more intelligent alternative and calls the number associated with the address.

Gameboy: “Hello. Is this White Castle the restaurant?”
Person: *mumbles*
Gameboy: “Oh, this is the factory where you make the buns for White Castle Burgers!”

Case in point. But we were not discouraged. No, the H.M.S. Freshman15 doesn’t surrender a planned evening of frivolity that easily. We jumped back on the highway as we continued toward our primary destination: The Lion’s Den.

Wait…wasn’t that it on the right? Is that the building?! Gameboy! Check your iPhone. Damnit, that was the building! How far until the next off ramp? 7 MILES?! That’ll add another 20 minutes! It’s already 8:30pm! Do we go back? Is it worth it? I said yes. Bubbles said no. Gameboy was in between. In the end, it was ruled down. But on one condition:

We find another sex shop.

Bubbles, having a great breadth of knowledge of existing sex shops, quickly listed off 3 or 4 of them nearby. We Googled them all to add them onto the GPS and see if they followed the path back to Evanston. One such shop does. Namely, Slightly Sinful. This seems like an apt alternative. What about food? We should look for another White Castle.

boop boop boop boop boop. Well, whaddya know? There’s a White Castle on the same street as Slightly Sinful. Wait, we should check the hours for Slightly Sinful to see when it closes.

Closing Time: 10pm
Current time: 8:45pm
ETA: 9:17pm

This seems fantastic. We’ll grab some food and have enough time to peruse at our leisure. The plan seems full proof.

Oh right. There’s traffic.

By the time we get off the highway, it’s practically 9pm, with 7 miles to White Castle and 10 more after that to Slightly Sinful. We punch it all the way to 88 (aka, 30mph) and start passing cars at the speed of molasses. When we reached White Castle, we made a mad dash to get inside and order…well, Bubbles took us drifting in the parking lot or a minute. THEN we went and got our food. Our plan was to get in and get out. Unfortunately for us, White Castle heard of our quest and sought to thwart us by putting an old, senile lady at the register. Actually, the time we were delayed was tied between her and the incredibly unnerving derelict, who pointed out how awesome it was they had stacked the Sliders boxes to resemble wooden toy soldiers. Gameboy responded with the enthusiasm of a hyperactive child on Ritalin. Bubbles and I could not believe the pace we were moving at. However, after slight difficulty with this elderly woman, we grabbed our food and made a mad dash for the car. 910pm. We can still make it.

After jumping onto the I-50 and almost wiping out exiting the off ramp, we saw those beautiful glowing lights emanating from the sacred windows of Slightly Sinful. We had made it. And with 23 minutes to spare. We parked, jumped out of the car, and raced to the store. I suggested asking the guy outside to take our picture with the sign, but Gameboy and Bubbles thought otherwise. Whatever. Let’s see some products.

As we enter the store, the lonely man follows us in. Turns out he works there. Terrific. He asks us for I.D.’s, nodding in approval after seeing everyone. Then, after he looks over my I.D. he says,

“You can’t go into that back room. 21 and over only”.

You know that feeling associated with telling a small child Santa doesn’t exist? That’s the equivalent to my emotions at this moment. Here we were, after trekking for literally 9 hours of driving through horrendous weather and ungodly traffic. We missed our first chance after being side tracked by the BUN BAKERY for White Castle, then concentrated on nothing else but getting to this shop, and now we can’t see ANY of the good stuff? Are you kidding me?

No, actually. He wasn’t. We were confined to sultry costumes and swings. I personally thought an F15 swing would be the perfect addition to PLounge v. 5.0, but what do I know? The gentleman’s underwear was entertaining for a short period of time, but eventually got boring. We were being robbed of an experience. As Woody would put it, this was theft. Albeit, none of us pounded on our chest or shouted “OH-EM-GEE”, but you get the idea.

Then Gameboy, our own personal savior, came to our rescue. He ordered some novelty cookie cutters, and the owner(?) took him into the back room to pay for it. As he did this, he added, “You can bring your friends if you want.”

Santa does exist!

Words cannot aptly describe the room we entered, and if they could, I sure wouldn’t be

using them. All I can say is fear the Rambone. Fear it.

We enjoyed taking a couple photos with some questionable characters, including a blow up Sarah Palin doll, gasped at some other trifles, and chatted up with the owner. He had a couple stories to tell us about his experiences, and we shared our journey to his store. After an exchange of words and money, we took our leave, but not without a picture documenting this historic occasion.

With our mission completed, we decided home would be the best stop after this. The end.

…Nah. It’s only midnight. What else can we do?

As we headed to Gameboy’s pad to drop him off, Bubbles and I began to contemplate our sleeping arrangements. More specifically, did we have any? Where were we staying? We decided the current PLounge would be the best spot to crash, so we gave Woody a ring. No response. We dropped Snapz a line, but he wasn’t there and advised us to call Woody.

Great now what?

How about the Orrington?

We decided that we should end the night in an epic fashion: We’ll try to convince the guy at the front desk to give us a room at the cheapest price we can get. But first we’ll check the PLounge. Luckily, when we arrived, Woody answered the door and we determined a definite place to crash. But was that what we really wanted? Of course not. We wanted to see this through. Next stop: the Orrington.

We parked in the MAB lot so as to avoid being towed in case we were successful. We carried our suit cases and basically agreed upon a fairly true story: we were headed back from U Chicago and were going to stay at a friend’s house, but he was asleep and didn’t answer so we had no place to sleep. I patted some snow on my face to give it that “been freezin’ my butt off for an hour” look, and Bubbles followed suit. We trudged across the divide and entered the Orrington.

It was fairly deserted. Even the front desk was empty. We dropped our bags and donned the faces of a pair of lost college boys. A man finally came out to greet us. I explained our predicament, and inquired if any rooms were available. He said there were. I asked the price, and he responded with “$125”. It may not be obvious, but Bubbles and I are flat broke/aren’t going to pay $67 a piece. We tried coercing him into lowering the rates, emphasizing the depth of our poverty. He finally conceded to a degree, giving us a discounted rate of $80. Having previously agreed upon nothing over $20 a piece, we woefully declined his offer, and sought other refuge.

We made it back safely to the PLounge after finding reasonable parking for Bubbles. Woody showed us his sleeping arrangements (a long couch pillow on the floor) and then ours (two full couches and two la-z-boy chairs). If you’re still scratching your head as to why we were better off than him, quit while you’re ahead. We don’t understand either. We were just glad to have a comfy place to sleep after a considerably long day. The last day of our tour.

In retrospect, despite the never ceasing problems that occurred along this trip, I will always hold dear the moments we all shared on our way, in, and back from Ohio. I hope everyone who went on tour will cherish these moments as I do, and I encourage others not to miss out the next time something like this comes around.

And with that, I conclude the very, very, very, very long Book of Land O’ Lakes.


Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Mis-fit adventures of Bubbles

Hello all...

So it's winter break and there's not a lot of action going on with a lot of the F15 members because they are sadly not all together... but as a visitor of this blog I just want to say that I can't wait to see all of them again in the spring and officially meet the ENTIRE crew. I miss all you guys and your craziness :-)

But, part of the F15 crew got an early visit... well, kind of a visit, and kind of last minute decision to go Christmas shopping, but it was an adventure to say the least. It started out with a 45 min/1 hour drive for two separate cars, which ended in taking 25 minutes to find a parking spot for one one bubbly guy in green and resulted in buying something out of boredom for one rowdy girl in red. Throughout the amazing day spent at the Woodfield Mall, random songs were busted out while various Christmas carols were playing in the numerous stores that were visited. Countless shoe stores were visited by Bubbles, but luckily no more shoes were purchased- probably good since I think Bubbles has more shoes than I do...

Christmas shopping was the point of the trip, but it turned out that the bubbly and rowdy combination wasn't that great at focusing on the task at hand. At one particular store 4 songs in a row played that were all of course Christmas carols and all of which Bubbles had experienced on the F15's fabulous trip before their tour. So after a long 4 hours of shopping, Rowdy and Bubbles decided that it was time to grab some grub. Red Robin was the choice and it was absolutely delicious. Dinner was filled with laughter and text messages to one particular J-Lynn that led to some confusion that was cleared up by a phone call. Talks of visiting HoFlo continued after getting off the phone with J-Lynn and both parties are excited for a night of partying, although it will be sad that we'll be missing some of our favorite F15 members, but that will be different when the misfitted gang comes to visit NU in the spring.. and don't worry... that IS happening. I don't think that Mallory can go much longer without seeing Rocktapus , and seeing that all of us can't stop talking about how much we love you guys... just get ready for a weekend of crazy girls in red and black sometime in the spring.

Departing was such sweet sorrow, but we knew that we'd be reunited with some friends- new and old- soon in HoFlo. The bubbly guy in green's phone died shortly before leaving and decided that he needed to get home so that he could party for the night, so we separated the bags and made sure that the yellow sweater and the ugly blue polo were not mistaken and goodbye's were said and we went our separate ways... that's where one Rowdy adventure began. 

I went to my car with a full bag in -5 degree weather. 'click-click-click' I'm trying to unlock my car with the automatic thingy on my keychain, but no such luck... 'maybe it's not working' I think to myself. Nope... it's dead. Yes. My car is dead and it's freezing. I run back inside and find a security guard to find a tow man to drive me to my car (creepy) and listen to him bitch the entire way about 'stupid ass people' that have been needing his help all night-- thanks dude, apparently I'm one of those people. So I get the car started and then realize... I have no gas. Apparently Woodfield doesn't believe in gas stations. After 40 minutes my car is about ready to punch me rowdily in the face, but I make it to a gas station, just in time.

Bubbles calls after charging his phone and gets to hear the whole story. I get off the phone and get to listen to 45 minutes of amazing F15 a cappella music to put me in a better mood. Chariot, I'll make a man out of you, and Who Loves You are the prime picks for the ride home. I ponder the F15 visit to our school and realize that you guys are pretty much some of the best people we've gotten to meet this year. Now I'll leave you guys will holiday wishes and with high hopes of getting to see all your beautiful faces again. More misfitted adventures need to happen with the fabulous guys of F15 and it better be soon :-)

Love you boys and miss you! Happy Holidays-


Saturday, December 20, 2008


We only wish we knew who to congratulate.

Touche on a response well written. Has someone been taking notes?

huh... that's interesting

We Google-imaged "Grinch" and this is the picture that came up.

The link led us to this blog plastered with approximately 6,000 posts of "Snow Cream" bashing the hopes and dreams of small children...

huh...that's interesting.

Friday, December 19, 2008

huh...that's interesting

We Google-imaged "redundant" and this is the picture that came up.

The link led us to this blog plastered with approximately 6,000 posts retelling the same story...

huh...that's interesting.

Day Two—The Book of Land O’ Lakes

Around 9:45am, I was roused from my deep sleep on Tits’ couch by the melodious crooning of a mechanical dancing Christmas Penguin (I couldn’t make this stuff up). This, of course, was not nearly enough to take me away from sleeping, but the promise of a delicious breakfast at a local diner was. After a couple intelligent members took showers (present company excluded, unfortunately), we piled into the cars and headed into town. When we arrived, we realized we weren’t the only ones who feed before noon, and the wait time was simply too much for our distended bellies to take. This being the case, we turned the cars around and hit up Bob Evans’ for some French Toast, Waffles, and camping stories from Bubbles, which gave an entirely new definition to the term “roughing it”.

Having completed our feeding frenzy, we made our way toward the highly anticipated Scallywag Tag, anxious about the quality of this laser tag facility. We bought our games in style, serenading our lovely cashier with TTYD. It was good enough for a flashing smile, but apparently not good enough for a discount. After entering the debriefing room and staring down the few 8 year old girls huddled in a corner, we all spread out along the wall to help Tori, our Laser Tag Wench, more effectively flirt with the entire group. After selecting our teams in the manner befitting a recess Kickball game (i.e. Me and My Gang v. everyone else), the guys in green pitted their wits against an onslaught of enough elementary school children to fulfill Michael Jackson’s Christmas List. What began as uncertainty leaning in favor of the young ‘uns quickly transformed into complete annihilation by F15. While it was a collaborative victory, we can all agree that we owe it to our One Eyed Jack……umm………hmmm…….

We immerged victorious and sweaty, or at least this buttery fellow did. Soon after, five openings for another game were offered to us, allowing a few to play again and the rest to grab some much-needed White Castle. As will soon become a recurring phenomenon, the White Castle shown on Bubble’s GPS did not actually exist. We settled for option #2, DQ, for a chilidog and some ice cream. On the ride there, Gameboy rejected our opinion regarding the saucy minx Tori, claiming she was only being friendly rather than flirtatious. Gameboy was immediately pummeled by the collective arguments of L.O’L, Tornado and Bubbles as well as the belated opinion of Rocktapus. It was settled.

We returned to a new game of Scallywag Tag, assuming it would be yet another massacre. Our dreams were quickly shattered when only 10 prepubescent opponents challenged us, prompting a severance in the group. Tori selected Vahj? and I to disband our fellow comrades and join the forces of evil. This was a painful departure, but Vahj? and I accepted our circumstances and chose to rise above them.

Epic Fail.

Ever seen a bunch of kids sit in corners in laser tag? Yeah, me neither. Karate Kid disgraced Mr. Miyagi when one of my “teammates” (I prefer “laser tag acquaintances”. Don’t group me in with them) proceeded to physically beat Karate Kid with his weapon. This was complimented by another kid who, whenever shot, would scream, “I’M SO PISSED!”. However, the favorite moment went something like this:

Vahj?: *turns a corner*
Stupid Girl On Our Team: *begins firing*
Vahj?: “Don’t shoot! I’m on your team!”
S.G.O.O.T: *continues firing until she hits Vahj?*
Vahj: “Why did you shoot me? I’m on your team.”
S.G.O.O.T: *stone faced (or as Slutkin B. would add “with a face of stone”)* “….Oh. I didn’t know.”

So, yeah, we lost. But Freshman 15 won, so it was a victory for all of us. Moving on.

We made the trip to the freshly christened BOOYAH’s house to check grades and…wait for grades to actually be posted. Following a brief vocal warm-up and a short caroling rehearsal, we loaded the cars for our next gig. The set went smoothly with an interesting skit in the middle involving introductions. They apparently liked us, because they paid for our dinner. It was fairly unanimous to hit up Fat Burger, where the conversations over other skit ideas crashed and burned. Well, they didn’t actually get up into the air. They just sort of combusted on the runway. Once our food was devoured and our set list on the juke box had played, we made a dash to BOOYAH’s friends, the Mirkopoulis’(sp?), to get in some last minute caroling. We weren’t very well received, as made apparent by the fuming babysitter, an exuberant Weimaraner and one man who, mid-door closing, asked for no more songs. Oh well.

Anywho, we arrived back at BOOYAH’s, checked again for grades to be posted, and made plans for the next activity. A few of us wanted to go bowling, the others wanted to watch reruns of M.A.S.H. and play shuffle board while complaining about why their grandkids never visit them anymore. We decided that said party poopers would go drive to the Mirkopoulis’ residence and the rest of us would finish the night with a bang. Little did we know that BANG would be Woody’s bowling ball leaving his hands a bit early and flying behind him toward Vahj?’s ankles (is that the possessive form of “Vahj?”?). After a couple games, a series of "cock blocks" and a very impressive clutch play by Vahj? (4 strikes in a row), we headed back to the BOOYAH abode to get some shut-eye, but not after a thoughtful discussion between Gameboy, Snapz, Woody BOOYAH and I. Eventually, I grabbed a couch and tried to get some sleep. I wasn’t getting any help from Bubble’s constant texting, but eh. He’s my brother. We’re there for each other. We look out for one another. We're family.



The Gospel According to BOOYAH - Day I, part I

Freshman 15 Tour: 12 Men, one destination, endless good times.

The story begins in the freshly acquired apartment of Rocktapus, where post-finals/pre-tour festivities were taking place. The evening began with Smokee, Rocktapus, Karate Kid, Gameboy, Slutkin B and myself enjoying some pizza and good company. People drifted in and out, and while we lost a few friends early on, we gained Tornado, Land O' Lakes, Rocktapus' fun roommates, a couple amazing APhi's, and couple lovely PHaze ladies. I would say the first major event of the night was when we began playing "Loaded Questions: Adult Version". As the erotic creativity of college students began to flow (providing many lines inappropriate for a family audience), so did the beverages. Yours truly left the party around 12:30 to go pack, but I heard the party raged on for at least a few more hours. This was foreshadowing.

After packing took an unnecessarily long time, BOOYAH got to sleep around 2:30, with an alarm set for 4:45 to meet Tornado. Fantastic. Two hours of laying in bed with my eyes closed passed a lot quicker than it should have, and I got up to meet Tornado for coffee before almost all businesses are open to sell it to us. Tornado failed to meet me outside his dorm, and also failed to answer any pestering phone calls I attempted. This was foreshadowing of the darkest kind.

Karate Kid, Bubbles and I loaded up Bubbles' car around 5:20, ten minutes before the set meeting time for F15 in the MAB parking lot. We picked up Gameboy and met F15 at more like 5:45. Departure time was 6:00 a.m. Timing was good, right? Are the men of Freshman 15 really this responsible and coordinated? Of course not. Where was Tornado and Rocktapus?

Oh no.

Neither were answering their phones, and both lived in buildings that none of us could access. 6:00 a.m. rolls around and we split up in desperation. Some helpful strangers got us into Tornado's dorm and up to his room where we found him unpacked and in a completely inadequate state for loud noises and quick thinking. Rocktapus was still missing. We called his roommates, his friends, and we would've called his landlord if we had the number. Thanks to the lovely Ms. Green and Ms. Hotopp, Rocktapus got up and got moving at 6:20. We had a show at Miami University in Ohio at 1:00 p.m. So if we leave at 6:30, we'll get there at 11:30. Plenty of time right? Oh wait, there's a time change. Actually, it'll be 12:30. That gives us a half hour before that show, and that's an ideal situation.

The Alpha car departs in hopes that Rocktapus gets up and out within the next 10 minutes. They leave by 7:00. An hour after the ETD, all three cars have left for Oxford, Ohio. It doesn't take long (about 20 minutes before the first car gets lost in downtown Chicago, thanks to a last minute lane change by the alpha car.

The Alpha car included Gameboy (tour Music Director), BOOYAH (Tour Manager), Karate Kid (Tour AMD and Pitch Master), and Bubbles (Business Manager) behind the wheel, and our drive was most likely the easiest. With a stop at a quaint little midwestern place called Wendy's, somehow the Alpha Car arrived at Miami University with 25 Minutes to spare before the concert. Word was that the other two cars were about 20 minutes out. We were gonna make it.

Or WERE we?

A call from Tornado comes in with 15 minutes till showtime, and the conversation goes like this:

Tornado: "Uhhhh, our car's in a ditch"
BOOYAH: "STFU where are you? When will you be here?"
Tornado: "We think the axle's broken. One wheel won't turn"

Gameboy: "I guess we'll do a show with four people..."

BOOYAH:  :-(

This would be a good time to mention that as tour manager, this entire portion of the trip has been EXTREMELY STRESSFUL. BOOYAH was very worried about the safety of F15, and about getting everyone to the first show of the tour on time so we could impress the fabled beauties of the Misfitz. By some pure miracle, Snapz' car was not broken, and with the help of a few rando good samaritans, they got the car out of the ditch and back on the road. The entire group showed up about 4 minutes after the show had started, with the Misfitz singing the beginning of their set (which included a HOT a cappella cover of 'Used to Love U' by John Legend. *cough* *coughTOLDYOUSOcough*). 

In true F15 fashion, the group ran in to the gig before running on stage and doing a solid set for a small college crowd. After we finished, the girls blew us away, and not the other way around. Jokes aside, the Misfitz were the best female a cappella group I have heard to date. Their arrangements were complex and interesting, their blend was perfect, their soloists rivaled any pop star out there, and their beatboxing was hot. On top of all of that, they are all beautiful. The misfitz are tits!

In retrospect, the beginning of tour was a necessary and fun part of the many memories made. Everything worked out by the time the gig started, and the rest of the tour went 98% smoothly. As this is the first official tour for Freshman 15, we learned many valuable lessons for future tours in these few hours before our first gig:
1) Pre-Tour festivities are a bad idea. 
Addendum: If pre-tour festivities must take place, make sure sleeping is not part of the plan.
2) Make departure time at least 2 hours before actual necessary departure time
3) On tour, always try and perform with talented, attractive ladies.

Thus concludes Part I of Day I of The Gospel According to BOOYAH

The Gospel According to Karate Kid - Day 2

After a looooong night of partying with the Remmies and the 'Fitz, a couple Messy Katies from the greasy (but delicious) BagelandDeli, and a night of sleep on beer-stained frat house floors, the men of F15 met on the morning of Day 2 ready to take on Cincinnati.  

With the help of Rocktapus's new wife Mallory, we were able to locate a Bob Evans', where the French toast they just factory defrosted looks somewhat similar to Mom's country cooking.  Biscuits and gravy?  Yes, please.  

After a tearful goodbye to Tits, we all jumped in cars and started to pull away - only to discover at the last minute that Vahj? was nowhere to be found.  Scare (one of many throughout the trip) averted by the discovery that we had almost stranded him in a bathroom in WhereTFamI, OH.  Thus begins the most epic car ride of the tour.  Topics of conversation in the Power Vehicle (Caravan Leader, PimpMobile, The Best Car, know) included bestiality, Britney's comeback, genitalia in unlikely orifices, and other like topics completely appropriate for posting on the Internet.  But epic conversations were the only appropriate precursors to the epicness that was to come: Scallywag Tag.

What could be better than walking into the Debriefing room with 11 of your best college male friends and frightening 8 year old girls?  What could be better than having a team comprised only of said college males competing against said 8 year old girls?  What could be better than getting hit on by the high school ScallyWench instead of being taught how to play the game?  What could be better than completely crushing the dreams of a team of small children by annihilating them in not-so-friendly competition?  The answer, my friends, is nothing.  After a few hours of arcade games and watching BOOYAH (who was christened at this sacred place) dominate time and time again, your heroes decided to get freshened up.

Our next stop - the fancy holiday party of random family number 1!  Sticking around and flirting with Aunt Marcia and Grandma Lucy - best part of my day.  The dinner at FatBurger (provided by random family) - amazing.  What was to come for the lucky 5 - RIDICULOUS.

The Lucky 5 - Rocktapus, Tornado, Slutkin B., Smokee, and KK.  Those lame-os who decided not to go bowling because of intense fatigue ended up getting the best of the deal.  The Lucky 5 stayed with BOOYAH's friend and Mary, his Macedonian goddess mother, in their enormous house.  Where would we like to sleep?  The feather-top double beds upstairs, or the entertainment center/pub/workout room/guest suite basement?  We opted for the latter.  Not only did our new digs come with complimentary bedding and movies, it came with Mary, Rocktapus's second wife.  Mary stocked 2 refrigerators and a freezer full of buffalo wings, sandwiches, Graeters' ice cream, and some drinks for the over-21 crowd.

So, stomachs full and beds intact, the Lucky 5 fell asleep refreshed and energized for Day 3.


Thursday, December 18, 2008

Day Two - The Gospel According to Bubbles

Gameboy and I woke up around 9:00... right?... and after some cleaning up we ventured to the other side of the house to rouse (NOT arouse...though that would be a much more interesting blog...) the sleeping beauty down the hall.

After saying some quick goodbyes, we hopped into the car and went to meet the rest of the boys at Mallory's house. Once there we told our previous night's stories -- all of which ended in relationships -- none of which involved the boys of F15. Luckily, we all found some comfort in the general misfortune of our friends. Maybe these boys are just mis-fit for the lovely ladies of Miami. But who knows? Perhaps this is just the beginning of the F15/Misfitz bonding... A birthday phone call would suggest that for one Bubbly guy in green, that might just be the case.

After a good-ole homestyle breakfast, we were back on the road. Next stop: Scallywag Tag.

Scallywag Tag, after being talked up by the newly-named BOOYAH, actually managed to exceed all of our expectations. This Pirate-Themed laser tag provided us with hours of fun, a pirate bandanna, and throngs of nine year old competition that ensured our victory. Wonderful.

After we had shot our fill of young children (maybe I should rephrase that?), we finally made it all the way to BOOYAH's house. I am sure that many interesting things happened during our time there, but I am happy to say that I slept through all of them. I was shaken from my coma around 5:00 and told it was time to clean up/warm up for our next gig, a Christmas Party!

At the party, we sang a mix of newly learned Christmas Carols and our normal repertoire. We were kindly rewarded with a paycheck and an all expense paid trip to FatBurger.

After FatBurger we made an only-slightly-successful attempt at Christmas Caroling.

(After singing one very short carol to a friendly looking man)

"Would you like us to sing Silent Night?"

(as the door is closing)

"No Thanks."

What an adventure!

We finished the night off with a few pretty awful games of bowling, and then returned home. Though the bowling shirts gave us a professional edge, we seemed to be having a bit of trouble getting our balls down the lanes. (Thats what she said? Story of my life? There is a sexual innuendo in there somewhere; I know it.)

Take a look at the scores... enough said.

Despite arriving at BOOYAH's at a reasonable hour, I somehow managed to stay up until around 4:30. I was distracted by a combination of blog writing, falling on Woody, and text messaging...


Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Home for Christmas (and Hunukkah)

We would like to wish all of F15 SAFE TRAVELS as they head home for their respective holidays.

We look forward to hearing the stories of your 'Natti travels.

Watch out for January.

We would also like to remind our readers that we are not responsible for any of the terrible blogging that has commenced in the past days.

We'll get back on track soon.

Every good thing must end

I woke up this morning to a wonderful post from T-Bagg and then realized...

the F15 tour is over!

What?! It's like Christmas!


I have never been so happy in my life.
I am no longer missing out on fun-filled days that I will hear the inside jokes of for months to come. No more additional pain can be done!

Oh how glorious this day is.

ILU (and the fact that the tour is over)

-Snow Cream
Friends, romans, F15 groupies, lend me thy ears.

The name's Bagg, T-Bagg. I'm one of the blondest members of F15, and, due to the unfortunate circumstance of I'm-in-the-mountains-skiing, I did not partake in this year's apparently incredible tour.

I'd like to take this opportunity, though, to write some loving commentary. Here is a list of all the members of F15:

Bubbles - my roommate and lovechild. you wear bandanas almost as well as me, so keep on keepin' on my brotha

Snow Cream - I really want to eat your snow cream. And a little quote from a song, "A dream is a wish your heart makes"

Crazy Legs - your energy and musicality directoriality abilities make me wet

Woody - if there was something lower than bass, you'd be it, and i'd raar-eat the shit out of it

Land-o-Lakes - i want to eat your butter all night long. too soon?

BOOYAH - there's a spot in my heart just for you, and one right above it as well, catch my drift?

Chef - thought i'd shout you out, just cuz you make us all so so so ambrosia-happy. do me.

Vahj? - is that indian? wait, it whatever it means, i love your sweet body.

Snapz - IF SOMEONE CALLS HIM SNAPPY AGAIN I'M GONNA FLY OFF THE HANDLE! but seriously, when you sing mind trick, babies are conceived

Karate Kid - patrickson, youson areson ason greatson singerson andson ison wantson toson makeson sweetson loveson toson yourson bodyson (obscureson mr.son miyagison referenceson? ison thinkson soson)...also, you have a choice, you can either wax me on or wax me off. up to you.

Smokee - there are so many things about you that i want to smoke. one of them is your right eyebrow. why? because it's more attractive than your left eyebrow, which is saying something if you ask me. i love you.

Daddy - you are obi wan kenobi and i'm luke skywalker. but i really want you to be princess leia so i can make out with you and have you turn out to be my sister later on in the series.

Slutkin B. - please lord, let mr. balls be my friend. i really want him to be. also, ask him what slutkin means, because i don't know. i love you, mr. balls.

Johnny Quest - you swim, i swim, we swim. awesome. wanna get naked and take a shower after swimming some laps?

Gameboy - you are me, and my gang, and i just have to say something here really fast. it won't take long.
i wanna be on all of it.

Rocktapus - c'mere tate! i'll never forget you as long as i live. have you seen "jizz in my pants yet"? good song. i think you'd like it.

O'Dessy - wanna go to dollar burgers? me too. let's do it (pun).

Tornado - zig-ah-day-zig-a-DO ME!

Well then there you have it. I've done my best to make up as many sexual innuendi as I can and I hope everyone out there enjoys this post as much as we do. ILU boyos. and boo-mothaeffin'-yah.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Day One-The Book of Land O' Lakes

Many will attest that the F15 Cincinnati ’08 Tour began on the 13th of December. Actually it began the night of the 12th around 9pm at the newly eviction-free Chez Rocktapus. It was a night of celebration: the end of finals and the beginning of what promised to be a memorable tour if for no other reason than the absurd 5:30am meeting time agreed upon to make it to our Oxford, OH gig by 1pm. Rocktapus broke out his finest wine (approx. $8 w/o tax) and provided a light alternative to the High Life. Such beverages brought about a fairly enthusiastic game of Kings that concluded with a fair amount of pistachio shells and wine stains. Rocktapus was quick to remedy this by stripping down and tossing his pants in the washing machine while Tornado and I administered/attempted Peppermint Patties. Needless to say, there were many streaks of chocolate syrup on rather disgruntled faces to affirm our failures. Though we had a handful of guests, it’s worth noting that some of the lovely F15 ladies and PHaze Faves graced us with their presence. By the time Land O’ Lakes was past his optimal freshness (2:30am), it was time to finish packing. After many adieus and promises of “tour bus” companions, it was finally time to turn in for the night.

“Turn in” = 20 minutes of sleep

After packing, a last minute load of laundry to prepare for a month of vacation and hitting the sack at 4:30am, 4:50am suddenly arrived and demanded a shower. I rushed out to meet up with Smokee and Slutkin B at 5:24am when we had agreed on 5:20am to make it to the MAB rendezvous by 5:30am, the guilt was almost overwhelming. Smokee cut us some slack and we made our way to MAB to an empty parking lot complimented by a single lit practice room; funny you should ask, because it looks a helluva lot like the one we used last night for rehearsal…

After much deliberation/30 seconds in a ghost lot, we made a unanimous decision to pay a visit to the ever-popular BK Lounge, which has nothing on the Plounge (oh that’s right, we used to go there. What happened to Monday Nights?). After an interestingly awkward conversation with the cashier regarding which background to use on his phone, we made our way back to the MAB parking lot.

5:40am. Still empty. Well, might as well eat.



5:55am, Snapz and Woody pull in as Vahj? makes a mad dash for a spot in Smokee’s Infiniti, or, as it should be referred to, the Magic Tour Bus. I mean, who wouldn’t want to get in on this?

6:00am. Bubbles shows up with his locked and loaded Subaru. All are accounted for except two. And who might those two be?

Tornado and Rocktapus.

After endless phone calls to both tardy members, the Magic Tour Bus Riders were given explicit instructions to locate the elusive Tornado, ironic as it is to have such difficulty locating this natural disaster. By 6:10am, we reached his living quarters, and Vahj? and I have managed to get inside. After utilizing the resources of a few randos waiting for a taxi, we navigated our way to his dorm room as I proceeded to pound mercilessly on his door, ignoring the sleeping needs of any and all neighbors. We were welcomed by a rather calm roommate and a nearly comatose Tornado. I gave him a good old Land O’ Lakes wake-up call complimentary with a sucker punch to the kidneys, so it wasn’t long before we had him up and tripping over his half-raised pant legs. However, it took quite some time and effort to get him out the door and into Snapz’ car. To be precise, we were heading out around 6:20am, though we had planned to leave by 6am, only to encounter yet another obstacle:

Where is Rocktapus?

All three cars convened at the Chicken Shack across from Chez Rocktapus to devise a plan of finding him. After many calls, 6:30am rolled around, forcing us to set two cars on their way. The MTB was chosen to remain and attempt some contact with the enigmatic counter-tenor (well, he does a great impression). After nearly 15 phone calls and a handful of alerts to his friend’s callbox (as his was conveniently on the fritz), I managed to get him on the phone. The conversation was almost a religious experience:

Rocktapus: I’m coming! I’m Coming! *click*



By 6:43am, I have no choice but to call again, only find myself receiver-to-receiver with a frantic, possibly hyperventilating Rocktapus. Apparently somewhere between spilling on his jeans and frolicking around his apartment in only his boxers, he had misplaced his most valuable asset (his wallet) and clearly could not go on a road tour without it. Needless to say, we needed to get rolling, and I decided another pair of eyes couldn’t hurt the process, although I promised the other MTB riders “I’m going up and finding it right now. I don’t care if I have to tear that place apart”. Once let in by Rocktapus, he explained how a faulty cell phone alarm clock and a rather ineffective, although greatly appreciated, Jho couldn’t get this Rock out of bed. This did little to improve the situation, so we immediately commenced tearing his place apart to find his wallet. With the assistance of Jho, we managed to throw aside pillows, blankets and clothing to no avail. After searching in every feasible location, Jho pointed out the obvious location: the dryer. This, unfortunately, was empty, but I deduced a different line of reasoning. He washed his pants. He never dried them.

This in mind, threw open the washing machine door to find a pair of jeans, a wallet, and an empty bottle of Wine. In the washing machine. We’ve yet to work out how this came to be, but I did succeed in accidentally swiping a couple bottles onto the floor, which then decorated the floor with shattered glass. Having absolutely no time to spare, we grabbed his stuff and headed out the door, couch pillows and glass still strewn about. As we’re about to walk down the stairs, ready to get to the car at 6:50am, Rocktapus discovered he lost his keys. This required emptying his entire bag and searching his place AGAIN for his newly lost necessity.

7:00am we pull away from Chez Rocktapus and finally start our tour. Needless to say, apologies were extended, fingers were pointed, laughter was shared, and a deafening silence from a group of sleepy A Cappella men filled the car. Only the occasional confusing off ramp and disconcerting Tom Raper Country signs broke this tranquil state. Well, that and a phone call at 12:45pm confirming that Snapz’ caravan had crashed into a ditch on the side of the road, 15 minutes before we’re supposed to be going on stage. Thanks to the help of a couple Good Samaritans, they were able to get out and continue onward.

1:00pm we’re officially in Oxford, OH parking near Benton Hall with Booyah quite enthusiastically jumping up and down to signal us where to go. We parked the cars and made a mad dash for the auditorium, getting in time just to see our new favorite group of girls, the University of Miami Misfitz, stalling long enough for us to warm up and get inside. By 1:10pm, we had made it. We were on stage. And before you knew it, we were already finished, ready to be serenaded by our hosts.

The wonderful chords emanating from those talented Misfitz quickly remedied the chaos of the morning and brought smiles to the face of all the boys in green, be it from Marielle’s VP, Meredith’s teacup dancing (both high and low), or the arrangements that blew us away. After the show, the Misfitz took us to a delicious lunch at Fiesta Charra before parting ways until the A Cappella show that night. Did you see the show? In the first row? Bubbles was making it difficult to keep our focus on the concert by adding his own commentary and attempting to sit on the stairs. Hey, somebody's gotta create the moments that make the memories.

After an entertaining concert and a packed after-party we were fortunately invited to, Rocktapus, his newfound wife, Mallory, and I grabbed some Bagelanddeli’s and headed back to her house to get some sleep, but not before we met her roommates Sam and Cody, swapped stories, and agreed that Mallory and Rocktapus had found their soul mates. Their friendship is sure to endure Rocktapus’ Lite-Brite design.

At 3:00am, I decided the couch was irresistible, and knocked out the second I hit the cushions. The day was exhausted and so was I. One down, three to go.


Monday, December 15, 2008

Day One - The Gospel According to Bubbles

4:50AM -

Alarm goes off. The sounds of Freshman Fifteen's "Chariot" ring in my ear. What a promising start to the weekend.

After hurriedly throwing half my belonging into a cardboard box, I scuttle down the stairs toward my car to meet the artist formerly known as Lennie. As I get out the door into the freezing cold, my box falls apart leaving a pile of snack foods, winter clothing, and other road trip "necessities" on the cold, salty, ground.

That was descriptive. And boring. On to the excitement.

5:50AM -

We meet at MAB (we were supposed to be there at 5:30) and finish packing up the cars. At this point that we realize we are missing some very precious cargo... namely, Rocktapus and Tornado.


Real Nice.

After about 45 minutes of attempting to scale apartment buildings and throwing snowballs, newspapers, and sticks at Rocktapus' window, we somehow managed to locate and rouse the sleeping beauties. Maybe next time we'll get to bed at a reasonable hour?

7:00 -

The last F15 car leaves NU.

According to Google Maps, Miami University is 5 hours and 8 minutes away from NU. Our show with the Misfitz starts at 1:00. Hmmm.

We would totally have made it...had it not been for a slightly un-planned-for change in times zones, a general poor sense of direction, and Snapz mistaking a huge ditch for a safe driving surface.

Anyway... after all that, we DID make it, just in time to be fashionably late for our own concert. The Misfitz (who I had the luck to talk with as we waited for the stragglers) really rocked the house. They sang the best arrangements I've ever heard. And are HOT. But in like a really respectable and lady-like way. Moving on.

We then spent the next few hours getting food and drank in preparation for an evening of Miami a cappella...The F15ers quickly took to the Misfitz and filled the time with all sorts of wonderful G-rated bonding. Ah but the night was young...wink wink...

"Suck it!"

"Suck what?"

"Whatever you want..."

I can tell the girls are just my "type"... but DON'T get your hopes up.

The show was really quite good... Some of the highlights included me falling off of the stairs, calling groups by the wrong name (Cheesits?), and of course...sitting with Meredith who, by the way, is pretty much a professional at dancing to a cappella Christmas music. She also provided us with key information that led us to our phone chargers and a warm bed that night. You rock.

(reaction to a note played by the Cheese-faces pitch pipe operator)
"MMM thats a good note!"

"I LOVE Music!"

I'm great with words. I should be a music critic right?

The rest of the night was spent in the true Miami fashion...lots and lots of studying. After all, it IS their finals week. The shenanigans ended with the rescue of Woody from the bowels of the library at around 3:00AM.


PS. Thanks again to the ladies of the Misfitz. We all had an incredible time at Miami and could NOT have done it without you. Y'all are the friendliest, prettiest, and most talented group I've ever met. I wish you luck in all your future a cappella endeavors and hope to see you all soon; until then, keep in touch!

Friday, December 12, 2008

on the road again

The F15 leave tomorrow morning for what promises to be a trip of memories.

Since we have not been invited to travel along with them and give you the low-down...I guess you'll all have to settle for one of Bubbles's heart-wrenching stories of bonding a la San Fran.

We're sorry...

Granted, anything we do hear from a slip-of-the-tongue will be posted as soon as possible.

So watch out Cincinnati, watch out Miami, and watch out retirement homes within a 20 mile radius...the F15 is coming for you! that Miss Green behind the wheel!?

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Will we ever see you again?

It's been awhile and we apologize deeply. We were distracted...and still sobbing from a double loss by Slutkin B. and LC in the recent King of Hearts pageant. We know who the real winners are.

Here's a number problem to brush up for your finals...

12 members present at rehearsal
7 audition for "See You Again"
1 drops out before deliberations
6 wait in the hall
6 decide the
1 soloist and
1 ready 5.

How long does it take?

A: approximately 45 minutes.
Though Snow Cream will make a cute Miley, we still think Woody had the appropriate pedophilia-voice the song called for. I guess he'll have to stick with Feliz Navidad.

What's going to happen when the group does "Single Ladies"?

We would also like to take the time to congratulate Land O'Lakes on his christening. Apparently the writers of this blog were left out of the loop and we couldn't be more upset, as one of LoL's biggest fans.

Oh hey, were you at DG tonight? Probably for the better...You know the story: some bridges were burned, some frat guys talked over the singing, Vahj? was the biggest hit of the night but at least Rocktapus recovered from his recent eviciton. These gigs happen, and just in time for the holidays.

Regardless, look for your favorite guys in green to be celebrating with a dash of red tonight for the perfect Christmas combo. F15 Favorite Lady JHo will be hosting what promises to be a collection of your favorite guys and their favorite girls.

And as always...stay away form the sherbet.