Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Information OVERLOAD

WOW! Did you miss us?

So much has happened, and with the turnover in top-dogs, we were too busy watching the drama unfold to write!

But don't worry, I'm back and better than ever.

You probably already heard, but the new exec board has been elected. With Snow Cream in charge, this next year promises to be HUGE.

But no worries...we think Karate Kid will be a swell musical balance to the bitch. Keep him in line KK!! LOL serves as the Kid's right hand man, but with such close ties to Snow Cream WHERE WILL HIS ALLEGIANCE LIE?!

Nosebleed steps in as Producer, with the big spring show being his debut project!! What is the spring show? F15 Channel Surfs!! Think inappropriate-remakes of everything you've ever seen on TV!

Kazaam takes over as business manager and T-Bagg as the ever-underrated job of Treasurer.

Let's just say...the rest of this year is going to be ANYTHING but boring.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Über Important Development!!!

There is nothing to report. But puppies remain cute. And Vahj? remains short.

When shows are over, debauchery best begin lest Snow Cream loses his shit and KaZaam starts spreading hilariously entertaining propaganda. Or Land O' Lakes continues to hijack this web page to fill the empty void left by a lack of F15 antics.

I have only two words for you all: Come on!!