Monday, December 7, 2009

Only the future will tell.

F15 studies hard, but not alone. Situated comfortably in the center of the F15 academic all-stars: Wass.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

and after the show it's the...wait...what happened?

Rewind to sound check, Friday night, 10PM...

confidence: lost.

What felt like a precursor to a huge FAIL of a show turned out to be...meaningless.

The show was phenomenal. The boys pulled it together and delivered one hell of a (thankfully short) 3 show weekend with HUGE gross profit.

But who really cares about only sat through the show so you could get to the after-party.

Wait...after party? What after party?

The boys were once again ditched by former Sweetheart/current homegurlz -not for Asterik this time - for a TOMMY cast party. Even hugely devoted homegurl Tray left to get some mac at an acting party...has F15 lost their mojo?

Waa-Poo cleared out most of the freshman class and the rest of the guys seemed to poop out early.

What's happening F15?! We have absolutely noting juicy to report and well...we're just plain disappointed.

For shame...for shame...

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Tech Week

It's that time of year again...

With half the group in the throes of rehearsals for winter shows and the rest of the group left to twiddle their thumbs for the better part of an hour, it's only a matter of time before the metaphorical *shotgun-blast-to-face* becomes more than just CrAzY lEgZ way of showing his disapproval towards someone's antics. Probably T-bagg's. Or Karate Kid's.

We're not pointing fingers. But we are pointing our jazz hands.

I'll tell you one thing: We're prepped and ready for the after party. Gotta love those boys in green.