If you can claim that to be the best of the Midwest, then F15 might as well claim themselves Best of Northwestern University. Regardless, PHaze did turn out quite a show themselves, and many props to our favorite ladies in the group. We know who you get down with the most.
Afterward, we missed out on meeting Mrs. LC but did meet the mister. If they're even half as cool as LC himself, then we look forward to 'Natti.
Then it was off to the races. Alumni-Favorite Chef hooked the boys UP with one of THE best nights Northwestern has to offer. Falling into bed at 5 a.m. is how it should be. All the beautiful ladies were in attendance, frosh to senior. Of course, there were randos that were questionable - but HEY! F15 aims to please and can afford to discriminate later...at least Christina Spears didn't sneak in. You are not our private dancer.
Looks like F15 is back on track to a successful year in all aspects. Maybe JayL will even teach us some of his table-top choreography?
And as JHo and Rocktapus will tell you: Beware the Cool Ranch Doritos.
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