Try to remember last weekend...start on Thursday...GO!
Bet you couldn't do it.
That's ok. We couldn't either.
With the first ever visit of Snow Cream Girl, one would think F15 would be on the BP BALL! However, it was a close save of the night.
The boys pulled through and earned the love of the prettiest girl in Michigan...spreading their fan base and recruiting other Mitten Love beauties to attend Boat Show.
Almost all of the VIPs were in attendance, and F15 continues to make the event better every week! Just imagine where they'll be by June!
The rest of the weekend becomes more of a blur. Rocktapus, Gameboy and Bubbles all worked their thangs at Danceworks after a strenuous language-barrier dinner had by Snow Cream, O'Dessey, Miss Green, Slutkin B. and gang.
Many reconvened for the Waa-Who? fest at the Cove but...we couldn't even begin to explain and that is not our area to blog...yet.
All we have to say is...keep it up. Some of you only have 3 months left and we will not take "no" for an answer.